点评:While visiting the Geelong area we were invited to accompany two of our grandchildren, aged four and two years to a session at MoPA. Fortunately their father accompanied us because as octagenarians we had little hope of following the children during the very many activities at this location.
It would seem from the gathering at the two-hour session we attended that children's ages varied from toddlers to older youngsters. Many of the activitHes were organized including painting a car or dancing to songs sung by Mopa staff. However there were just so many opportunities for individuals plan their own activities. There were multiple levels involving stairs making it difficult for older people to follow all of the entertainment.
We found generous seating throughout the complex enabling us to rest while watching some of the more of the children's active adventures. There is a coffee and cake bar within the complex and we took advantage of this area. We really enjoyed the two hours spent watching how much our grandchildren enjoyed the outing.
翻译:在访问吉朗地区时,我们应邀陪同我们的两个孙子,一个四岁,一个两岁,去 MoPA 参加一个会议。幸运的是,他们的父亲陪同我们,因为作为八十多岁的人,我们几乎没有希望在这个地方的许多活动中跟随孩子们。
从我们参加的两小时会议的聚会来看,孩子们的年龄从蹒跚学步的孩子到年龄较大的年轻人不等。许多活动都是组织的,包括给汽车上漆或随着 Mopa 工作人员演唱的歌曲跳舞。然而,个人计划自己的活动的机会实在是太多了。有多个层次涉及楼梯,这使得老年人很难跟随所有的娱乐活动。