点评:I did the Mountains to Coast birding tour led by Dr. David Hof this Spring. I was a great experience; I saw many life birds which was a key reason to go on this trip, but also really enjoyed the New England scenery and towns. I had not really visited New England before, but it is a beautiful part of the country and June is a great time to visit. The birding tour covers from the coast of Maine (including a pelagic outing to Seal Island for puffins and other seabirds) to the boreal forests of New Hampshire and Vermont. David Hof knows all good birding and has amazing bird identification skills. David is one of those people who live for birding and sharing that with others. He worked tirelessly the whole trip to makes sure all six of us on the tour got to see our target birds. He even took time on the last morning, when technically, the tour was already over, to finally find a golden-winged warbler had eluded us the whole trip (although we'd found plenty of Brewsters hybrids). One of the other main highlights for our entire group was finding an adult and juvenile American Goshawk.
I highly recommend this birding tour !
翻译:今年春天,我参加了由 David Hof 博士带领的从山脉到海岸的观鸟之旅。这是一次很棒的经历;我看到了许多鸟类,这也是我参加这次旅行的主要原因,而且我也非常喜欢新英格兰的风景和城镇。我以前没有真正去过新英格兰,但那里是这个国家美丽的地方,六月是游览的好时节。观鸟之旅从缅因州海岸(包括到海豹岛远洋观赏海鹦和其他海鸟)到新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州的北方森林。David Hof 了解所有观鸟技巧,并且拥有出色的鸟类识别技能。David 是那种热爱观鸟并与他人分享的人。他在整个旅程中不知疲倦地工作,以确保我们六个人都能看到我们的目标鸟类。他甚至在最后一天早上,严格来说,旅行已经结束了,才终于找到了一只金翅莺,我们整个旅程都没有看到它(尽管我们发现了很多 Brewsters 杂交种)。我们整个团队的另一个主要亮点是发现了一只成年和一只幼年美洲苍鹰。