点评:We took an excursion on the Rhum Runner II through our April 2022 Princess cruise. At the end of our cruise, our family (6 of us in total) voted our 3-hour excursion as the most fun day of our 10-day cruise!! The Rhum Runner II has 2 levels, and the party was definitely on the lower level. The rum punch was unlimited...and amazing!! The steel drum band (2 guys) were awesome and fun to get to know (I'm a drummer, so I loved talking to these guys). The 90-minute beach stop was incredible....the beach was not crowded, and the water/sand were perfect!! On the return trip, the crew kept the fun going with a conga line and limbo contest (which my daughter proudly won)! But, the best part may have just been the AMAZING crew: When we first got to the beach, my son accidentally stood up directly into a leaning tree and hit his head so hard that he was in tears for 20 minutes. I ran back onto the boat to get ice, and when I told the crew members what happened, they showed more compassion than I would have ever expected. Multiple crew members ran off the boat to see if my son were ok. They brought him ice, talked to him to help calm him down, and waited around with us until my son settled down. The wonderful man who was renting chairs on the beach brought a beach chair to my son for free. Another wonderful man who was renting chairs stopped over to make sure my son was ok. The love that we felt from this crew was wonderful....and we can't thank them enough for all of their compassion. Next time we are in Grenada, we are definitely returning for another Rhum Runner II trip!
翻译:我们在 2022 年 4 月的公主邮轮上进行了 Rhum Runner II 短途旅行。在游轮结束时,我们的家人(总共 6 个人)将我们 3 小时的游览投票选为我们 10 天游轮中最有趣的一天! Rhum Runner II 有 2 个级别,派对肯定在较低级别。朗姆酒是无限的……而且太棒了!钢鼓乐队(2 人)很棒,结识起来很有趣(我是鼓手,所以我喜欢和这些人聊天)。 90 分钟的海滩停留令人难以置信……海滩并不拥挤,水/沙子非常完美!在回程中,船员们继续进行康茄舞和地狱边缘比赛(我的女儿自豪地赢得了比赛)!但是,最好的部分可能就是令人惊叹的船员:当我们第一次到达海滩时,我儿子不小心站起来直接撞到一棵倾斜的树上,他的头撞得很重,以至于他哭了 20 分钟。我跑回船上拿冰块,当我告诉船员发生的事情时,他们表现出比我想象的更多的同情心。多名船员跑下船查看我儿子是否还好。他们给他带来了冰块,与他交谈以帮助他平静下来,并和我们一起等到我儿子安定下来。在海滩上租椅子的好人免费给我儿子带了一把沙滩椅。另一个租椅子的好人停下来确保我儿子没事。我们从这名船员那里感受到的爱是美妙的……我们对他们所有的同情心感激不尽。下次我们在格林纳达时,我们肯定会再次返回 Rhum Runner II 旅行!