点评:This sanctuary is little known and about 30 km fron Tam Coc with a number of separate compounds housing a varying number of bears.
There are 2 options available for viewing the bears, both of which include a skywalk and the more expensive tour (only an extra $4), includes a walk on the service roads around the compounds, which may or may not increase your viewing chances.
Both trips commence with an educational talk and finish with a video of the work the sanctuary does.
Obviously, how many bears you see and how close you get to the bears is at the will of the bears themselves. However, planning your visit around one of the 3 daily feeding times increases your chances of some interaction, 09.00, 13.00, and 16.00.
There were a number of families visiting during our time there, and the children seemed very excited.
It's a worthy cause well worth a half day visit with all the moneyspent going directly to the care of the bears.
翻译:这个保护区鲜为人知,距离三谷约 30 公里,有多个独立的院落,饲养着不同数量的熊。
有两种方式可以观看熊,两种方式都包括空中走廊和更昂贵的游览(仅需额外支付 4 美元),包括在院落周围的服务道路上散步,这可能会或可能不会增加您的观看机会。
显然,您看到多少只熊以及您与熊的距离取决于熊的意愿。但是,将您的访问计划在每天的 3 个喂食时间之一进行,即 09.00、13.00 和 16.00,会增加您与熊互动的机会。