点评:What an extraordinary collection of about 100 buildings, mostly farmhouses, but not only, from all over Austria, with their distictive architectural lay-outs and styles.
It is a stark reminder of how difficult farming and everyday life were for our ancestors. And also, how little they had in terms of material goods, besides their farm house, passed along for dozens of generations. It also shows how clever they were at making household items, tools and farming implements and even machinery, mostly out of wood.
We really liked the schoolhouse and the 19th century look of the classroom. What an immense revolution in the coutry side to send children, including girls (!) to school for at least 4 years to learn beasic reading, writing and math skills. Emperess Maria Theresia and her advisors, who introduced compulsory schooling in the mid-18th century, were truly visionaries.
To visit all the buildings in some detail takes at least 4 hours. The ground are huge and meticulously kept, as are the buildings, their veggie gardens and the flowered windows and balconies.
Do consult the website to find out when they have live craft demos.
The guide book, alas only in German, is excellent.
Highly recommended!
翻译:这里有大约 100 栋建筑,其中大部分是农舍,但不仅仅是农舍,它们来自奥地利各地,具有独特的建筑布局和风格。
我们真的很喜欢这所校舍和 19 世纪教室的外观。让儿童,包括女孩 (!) 上学至少 4 年,学习基本的阅读、写作和数学技能,这在国家是一场巨大的革命。玛丽亚·特蕾西亚女皇和她的顾问在 18 世纪中叶引入了义务教育,他们是真正的远见卓识者。
详细参观所有建筑至少需要 4 个小时。场地很大,维护得非常细致,建筑物、蔬菜园、带花的窗户和阳台也一样。