点评:As usual, our trip to London was facilitated from getting around using the underground.
Excellent value for money, easy to use, everyone follows the tube etiquette (stand on the right on escalators) keep left when walking etc. Never had to wait more than a few minutes for a tube to arrive on the platform, never once felt uncomfortable or unsafe, good directional signs when leaving the tube and stations. Never saw any rubbish around and actually saw a lot of staff.
Tips- use a contactless debit/credit card. Easier and cheaper than getting a day ticket.
Download the “tube map- London Underground” honestly so easy, the route planner is just so easy and quick to use, I screenshot the journey before going underground so when I’m on the tube and need to change I can see with ease.
提示 - 使用非接触式借记卡/信用卡。比买一日票更方便、更便宜。