点评:I have very mixed feelings. As a historian and genealogist, I think it was great. The gentleman who tells the story is a great storyteller. He must be good at talking and talking. You pay for the exhibition and for his story. Very interesting, even unique topic. I highly recommend it. On the other hand, if you don't have much strength, don't follow his suggestion that you can see the places where V3 was located. Don't go! If you are tired and have a health problem, for example. The wooden stairs have weak handrails and are unstable. The ground is not suitable for children and the elderly. I am a fatter person but I also travel a lot and I felt that it was unprepared, rather old and not renovated. To sum up. GREAT thing, but if you are not strong, don't go to the top of the attraction.
翻译:我的感觉很复杂。作为一名历史学家和家谱学家,我认为这很棒。讲故事的先生是一位伟大的讲故事的人。他一定很擅长说话和说话。你为展览和他的故事付钱。非常有趣,甚至是独特的话题。我强烈推荐它。另一方面,如果你没有太多的体力,不要听从他的建议,你可以看到 V3 所在的地方。不要去!例如,如果你累了,有健康问题。木制楼梯的扶手很弱,不稳定。地面不适合儿童和老人。我比较胖,但我也经常旅行,我觉得它没有准备好,相当老旧,没有翻新。总结一下。很棒的事情,但如果你不强壮,不要去景点的顶部。