Whole day without water (if you don’t bring your own)
Safari In Etosha national park with yavola tours, Namibia的点评
点评:We booked a day trip starting at the Anderson gate at 7am.
Unfortunately, the “other guests” just arrived at 7:45am so the best light was ahead gone.
Luckily we ask before leaving if we get water, what our Tourguide declined, so we could take some water from our car.
Originally we were offered a tour until 16:30, our guide Polo said directly, that we will be back at 15 o’clock. So we lost 45 minutes in the morning and 1:30 hour at the end.
If you get a “lunch break” in your offer - you have to know that they do a break. But your food you have to take by your own - as little confusing!
In addition the car had a lot of loosen metal bars that makes a real “good noise” - so finally we were lucky when we could get back in hot bar.
Funny side story: the owner steels pictures from WhatsApp status and uses it in his own status .,, as this were pictures taken from him. No credits, no remarks! And when I asked, he answered that he was at the same place 🙄 (and did exactly the same color adjustment that I did … wonder wonder … )
翻译:我们预订了早上 7 点从安德森门出发的一日游。
不幸的是,“其他客人”早上 7:45 才到达,所以前面最好的光线已经消失了。
原本安排我们游览到16:30,导游Polo直接说我们15点回来。所以我们早上损失了 45 分钟,最后损失了 1 小时 30 分。
有趣的旁白:店主从 WhatsApp 状态中提取照片并将其用于自己的状态中,因为这是他拍摄的照片。没有积分,没有评论!当我问时,他回答说他在同一个地方🙄(并且做了与我完全相同的颜色调整......奇怪......)