点评:The Mount is one of our favourite places to visit in Cornwall but we couldn’t help but be disappointed this time round. Seeing the gardens are the absolute highlight of any visit and yet they now seem to be closed more of the year than they are open.
We still very much enjoyed the views from the top of mount and it was nice looking down into the garden even if we couldn’t go in. The house itself was very lacking in any information this time round though, which was another disappointment. The inclusion of information boards/sheets about each room and the collections were certainly present last time we visited and added a huge amount to the experience. I'm not sure why they've removed this, but it did make for a far less immersive experience.
All would have been forgiven though if we’d have been able to meander round the wonderful gardens. Unfortunately that was not to be. It’s a real shame as the gardens are absolutely the crowning glory of the island (along with the views) and the visit seemed very lacklustre without them.