点评:So when you are using a tour company (especially outside the USA) the one thing you really need to have is trust -someone who will tell you the truth. That is not this tour company. We were told because there were two groups of four that we’d have two guides -because the other four people were neither in shape or ready to do this arduous hike -and it’s ARDUOUS. The entire hike was slowed because of this. The woman who sold this tour lied to us when we ask her point blank. The guide also said when there are more than 6 people we are supposed to have two guides. Look this is a huge hike and to not trust the people selling it is a big deal -I’d suggest finding another tour company or guide before you trust yourself and family’s wellness to this tour operator. And lunch …well folks lunch is a burrito that’s been in the guides backpack since morning -smashed at best. No drinks no waters just a smashed burrito god only knows when it was made. -I did not eat it.
翻译:因此,当您使用旅行社时(尤其是美国以外的旅行社),您真正需要的就是信任 - 信任会告诉您真相的人。这家旅行社不是这样的。我们被告知,因为有两组四人,所以我们需要两名导游 - 因为其他四个人身体状况不佳,无法完成这项艰苦的徒步旅行 - 而且这非常艰难。整个徒步旅行因此而放慢了速度。当我们直截了当地问到销售这项旅行的女士时,她对我们撒了谎。导游还说,当人数超过 6 人时,我们应该有两名导游。看,这是一次漫长的徒步旅行,不相信销售人员是一件大事 - 我建议,在您把自己和家人的健康托付给这家旅行社之前,先找另一家旅行社或导游。午餐……伙计们,午餐是一份从早上起就放在导游背包里的墨西哥卷饼 - 最多是被压碎了。没有饮料,没有水,只有一个被压碎的墨西哥卷饼,只有上帝知道它是什么时候做的。 - 我没有吃它。