点评:Travelled from Bella Coola in British Columbia to Port Hardy on Vancouver Island on the 9th of July and really enjoyed the experience - the ferry was clean and tidy, the on-board cafeteria served a good selection of food (including some really tasty cob salads) and a good choice of beverages, including tea and coffee. The route from Bella Coola to Port Hardy gave us the opportunity to see majestic mountains and lots of islands - what a way to see a truly beautiful part of Canada. There were USB charging points near to our seats so we were able to charge our phones and other devices.
On the 15th July we travelled by ferry from Victoria on Vancouver Island to Vancouver - we boarded a bus at the Capital City station which took us to the ferry terminal and straight onto the ferry - the driver was outstanding - he was courteous and informative as well as entertaining. The ferry was busy and the on-board restaurant was doing a roaring trade - once again a wonderful experience.
翻译:7 月 9 日,我们从不列颠哥伦比亚省的贝拉库拉 (Bella Coola) 出发前往温哥华岛的波特哈迪 (Port Hardy),这次旅行非常愉快 - 渡轮干净整洁,船上的自助餐厅供应各种美食(包括一些非常美味的玉米棒沙拉)和多种饮料,包括茶和咖啡。从贝拉库拉到波特哈迪的路线让我们有机会看到雄伟的山脉和许多岛屿 - 这是欣赏加拿大真正美丽景色的绝佳方式。我们的座位附近有 USB 充电点,因此我们可以为手机和其他设备充电。
7 月 15 日,我们从温哥华岛的维多利亚乘坐渡轮前往温哥华 - 我们在首都站登上了一辆巴士,然后直接前往渡轮码头 - 司机非常出色 - 他彬彬有礼、知识渊博且风趣幽默。渡轮上人头攒动,船上餐厅生意兴隆 - 再次成为一次美妙的体验。