点评:Martin Lawrence Galleries is a fine art gallery, that specializes in original paintings, limited edition graphics, sculpture. It opened in the US in 1975, and currently operates 9 galleries, including the one in Schaumburg.
Currently, the gallery presents the original paintings by the icons of modern art: Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol and many other famous artists. It's very exciting to see the masterpieces close up!
I had a brief visit to the gallery, which at that time had a presentation of art works by the modern artist Liudmila Kondakova, whose works are quite memorable and show the obvious talent of the artist. I also had a chance to talk to Senior Fine Art Consultant of the gallery, who welcomed me very friendly, and told me more about the original paintings and Martin Lawrence Galleries.
The visit was brief, but very enjoyable -- it's not that everyday we can admire the artworks by the giants of modern art and the artists of our generation. Many Thanks, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
翻译:马丁劳伦斯画廊是一家美术画廊,专门收藏原创绘画、限量版图形、雕塑。它于 1975 年在美国开业,目前经营着 9 家画廊,其中包括位于绍姆堡的画廊。
我对画廊进行了短暂的参观,当时画廊展出了现代艺术家柳德米拉·康达科娃(Liudmila Kondakova)的艺术作品,她的作品令人难忘,展现了艺术家明显的才华。我还有机会与画廊的高级美术顾问交谈,他非常友好地接待了我,并告诉我更多关于原画和马丁劳伦斯画廊的信息。