点评:The Hadrian Villa site is amazing, it took me around 4 hours to see the whole site.
I’ll focus my review on transport from Tivoli.
Don’t even think about walking as there’s no footpath so you’d be walking next to fast traffic. The bus is straightforward or take a taxi.
The 4/4X buses leave from close to Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi next to the children’s playground. There’s only one bus stop. (Ignore the frequent Blue buses going to Rome. You don’t want those.) They seem to be about every half hour. Tickets are €1.50 each way and the news kiosk on the other side of the piazza sells them. If you tell the driver you’re going to Villa Adriana, then he’ll announce the stop.
Coming back, the bus stop is ~200m up the road from the museum entrance at Via di Villa Adriana, 37. You have to flag the bus down. It’s the 4/4x buses you’ll want, not the Blue Roma buses. The schedule is posted at the ticket office.
翻译:哈德良别墅遗址令人惊叹,我花了大约 4 个小时才看完整个遗址。
4/4X 巴士从 Giuseppe Garibaldi 广场附近儿童游乐场旁出发。只有一个巴士站。(忽略前往罗马的频繁蓝色巴士。你不会想要那些。)它们似乎每半小时一班。单程票价为 1.50 欧元,广场另一边的新闻亭出售。如果你告诉司机你要去阿德里亚娜别墅,他会宣布站点。
回来时,巴士站距离博物馆入口约 200 米,地址是 Via di Villa Adriana, 37。你必须招手拦下巴士。你要坐的是 4/4x 巴士,而不是蓝色罗马巴士。时刻表在售票处有张贴。