点评:We recently signed up Omniplex passes and have to say we’ll be cancelling as soon as the 3 months are up … Downpatrick omniplex is closest to us 20 mins drive… we where there tonight in the recliners. I’m sorry but the place is just filthy!! Cup holders are dirty and in the last few weeks that we’ve used our passes, the disabled toilets upstairs… (when they were available) are stinking the floors soaking from pee.. this evening when I left my recliner my hair felt sticky to the head rest!! It was disgusting… the whole place including the toilets need a good clean regularly it smelt musty dirty! … staff couldn’t give a toss.. will be complaining the the cinema directly… not that it’s going to change anything.. I remember when going to the cinema was a date night and a special occasion!! Not anymore !
翻译:我们最近签了 Omniplex 通行证,不得不说我们会在 3 个月后取消... Downpatrick omniplex 离我们最近,开车 20 分钟... 我们今晚坐在那里的躺椅上。很抱歉,但这个地方太脏了!!杯架很脏,在我们使用通行证的最后几周里,楼上的残疾人厕所...(当它们可用时)臭气熏天,地板上全是尿液... 今天晚上,当我离开躺椅时,我的头发感觉粘在头枕上!!真恶心... 整个地方,包括厕所,都需要定期彻底清洁,闻起来又霉又脏!... 工作人员不在乎.. 会直接向电影院投诉... 但这不会改变什么.. 我记得以前去电影院是约会之夜和特殊场合!!现在不是了!