点评:The Baroque Residence along with the Court Garden and Square makes for a very nice place to visit in Würzburg. Recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage attraction (1981), Residenz was constructed between 1720-44 on the design of Balhasar Neumann. It is open from daily from 9am to 6pm (April - Oct) and 10am to 4.30pm (Nov - March). Entry tickets are €10 per adult. Enty to the Court Church and Gardens is free.
We recently visited and quite enjoyed our 90 minute visit to Residenz. There are large hall rooms with charming ceiling frescos, the elegant staircase hall with the Tiepolo 'Four Continent' and the works within the Imperial Hall in particularly are very impressive. Upstairs, there are numerous apartment rooms decorated with period furnishing, tapestries and artworks.
After visiting the main Residenz, you can walk around the square to the south, following signs to Hofkirche (Court Church), a small, intimate and ornate Baroque church interior. Then spend a bit of time in Hofgarten (Court Garden). The Frankonia Fountain just in front of Residenz is worth a brief viewing as well.
翻译:巴洛克风格的住宅以及宫廷花园和广场是维尔茨堡非常值得一游的地方。Residenz 被认定为联合国教科文组织世界遗产景点(1981 年),建于 1720-44 年间,由 Balhasar Neumann 设计。每天开放时间为上午 9 点至下午 6 点(4 月至 10 月)和上午 10 点至下午 4:30(11 月至 3 月)。门票每位成人 10 欧元。宫廷教堂和花园免费入场。
我们最近参观了 Residenz,非常享受 90 分钟的游览。大厅宽敞,天花板上绘有迷人的壁画,优雅的楼梯大厅里挂着 Tiepolo 的“四大洲”,帝国大厅内的藏品尤其令人印象深刻。楼上有许多公寓房间,装饰着时代家具、挂毯和艺术品。
参观完主宫后,您可以沿着广场向南走,沿着路标前往 Hofkirche(宫廷教堂),这是一座内部装饰精美、温馨小巧的巴洛克风格教堂。然后花点时间在 Hofgarten(宫廷花园)。宫廷前的 Frankonia 喷泉也值得一看。