点评:We walked here from our hotel in Saint-Louis, following the path up the Rhein (Rhine)
The park began with a canal which then split into two sections. The left-hand side continued as a canal and the right-hand side a purpose-built Canoe slalom river. In the area there were hundreds of birds and because of the time of year many of them had their hatchlings with them.
We lingered for a while and watched two people in canoes attempt to go down the slalom, clearly the man who done this before. The lady, however, capsised almost immediately in one of the rough areas. Janet explain to me after we took some pictures of the birds, that she had discovered in Facebook that you can add music to a 15 second clip and post it. She had done this yesterday and has already got 100 views. Inspired, I took lots of 15 second videos of parents walking the ducklings. Who knows if I do anything with them.
We walked on along the canal and on our left was clearly a tram line. We walked until we reach the end of it and we're able to leave the canal and walk back into town. The roads were lined with a really beautiful shaped red lampshades on the street lights, quite unusual.
There are plenty of paths here to explore the park, and even a climbing wall for those who want the ascend.
What a peaceful park.
翻译:我们从我们在圣路易斯的酒店步行到这里,沿着莱茵河 (Rhine) 的小路前行
我们逗留了一会儿,看到两个人在独木舟上试图沿着激流回旋滑下,显然是之前这样做的人。然而,这位女士几乎立即在一处崎岖不平的地区倾覆。我们拍了一些鸟的照片后,珍妮特向我解释说,她在 Facebook 上发现您可以将音乐添加到 15 秒的剪辑中并发布。她昨天做了这件事,已经有 100 次浏览。受到启发,我拍了很多父母遛小鸭的 15 秒视频。谁知道我是否对他们做了什么。