点评:Carisbrooke Castle is well preserved and irs origins date back to Anglo-Saxon times with many changes and additions since right up to the 20th century when the Chapel was constructed. There have been many notable residents during this time but it's probably best known for being used as a prison to inter King Charles 1 following his defeat in the English Civil War. Much later the Royal connection continued when Princess Beatrice, Queen Victoria’s daughter, took up residence and there is a delightful garden within the castle grounds created in her honour. Within this garden there is a statue of General Jack Seely's 'war horse' Warrior who saw action on the battlefields during the First World War. In a similar vein the castle is home to several donkeys who operate the treadwheel to raise water from the castle well. Demonstrations are held throughout the day for visitors to see the donkeys in action. You can walk right round the castle walls on the battlements, which offer great far reaching views across the island, but the steps could be tricky for some and you will need a head for heights! There is also a nice tearoom within the castle grounds serving light lunches, a good selection of cakes and hot & cold drinks - the prices are a bit on the high side but, if your an English Heritage member, you get 10% off the total price of your food and drinks (as long as you've been a member for more than 1 year). The staff across the site are friendly, approachable and helpful right from the moment you arrive at the pay barrier/shop, when you're in the grounds and in the tearoom. The site is dog friendly, although you can't take dogs in to the museum, and there are plenty of water bowls positioned around the grounds for them to quench their thirsts. There is also a well stocked shop selling castle & historically related items as well as local and other produce. There is ample parking adjacent to the castle but you will need to pay if you aren't an English Heritage member.
翻译:卡里斯布鲁克城堡保存完好,其起源可追溯到盎格鲁-撒克逊时代,自 20 世纪教堂建造以来经历了许多变化和扩建。当时有许多名人居住于此,但最出名的可能是作为监狱,关押在英国内战中战败的查理一世国王。后来,维多利亚女王的女儿比阿特丽斯公主入住城堡,皇室关系得以延续,城堡内有一座为纪念她而建的美丽花园。花园内有一座杰克·西利将军的“战马”战士雕像,这匹战马曾在第一次世界大战期间在战场上作战。同样,城堡里还有几头驴子,它们操作踏车从城堡井中提水。全天都有演示,让游客观看驴子们的表演。您可以沿着城垛绕着城堡的城墙走,从那里可以俯瞰整个岛屿的壮丽景色,但台阶对某些人来说可能有点难走,您需要有恐高症!城堡内还有一个不错的茶室,供应清淡的午餐、各种蛋糕和冷热饮品 - 价格有点高,但如果你是英国遗产委员会的会员,你可以享受食品和饮料总价 10% 的折扣(只要你成为会员超过 1 年)。从你到达收费站/商店的那一刻起,当你在场地和茶室时,整个场地的工作人员都很友好、平易近人且乐于助人。该场地允许携带狗,但你不能带狗进入博物馆,场地周围有很多水碗供它们解渴。还有一个库存充足的商店,出售城堡和历史相关物品以及当地和其他农产品。城堡附近有充足的停车位,但如果您不是英国遗产委员会成员,则需要付费。