点评:My twin sister , her husband and I entered one of the most beautiful churches San Michelle - a Roman catholic church located in the heart of Anacapri - it was built in 1719, it is octagonal in shape and of Baroque style.
My sister and I wanted to show Dieter one of the most singular, colourful, and photographed majolica floors in the world - the mosaic is made of 1,500 tiles and was completed in 1761 by Leonardo Chiaiese who is considered as one of finest craftsman of the day - it depicts the Garden of Eden - it is also called The Expulsion of Adam and Eve. One can see the centre of the floor where an angel orders the couple out of the Garden of Eden - they are surrounded by animals, including a unicorn, waterfowl, camels, and a serpent wrapped around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Visitors are prohibited from walking on the floor, but there are wooden planks to walk on.
We went upstairs for a bird's eye view as you would not see the whole picture at ground level; otherwise, you will literally miss the forest for the trees. We found it remarkably admirable.
翻译:我的双胞胎姐姐、她的丈夫和我走进了最美丽的教堂之一圣米歇尔教堂——一座位于阿纳卡普里市中心的罗马天主教堂——建于 1719 年,呈八角形,巴洛克风格。
我和姐姐想向迪特展示世界上最独特、最丰富多彩、拍照最多的陶瓷地板之一——马赛克由 1,500 块瓷砖制成,由当时最优秀的工匠之一莱昂纳多·奇亚埃塞于 1761 年完成——它描绘了伊甸园——也被称为《亚当和夏娃被驱逐》。人们可以看到地板中央,一位天使命令这对夫妇离开伊甸园——他们被动物包围着,包括独角兽、水禽、骆驼和一条缠绕在善恶树上的蛇。