点评:We recently spent a few days in Strasbourg and very much enjoyed the annual Christmas Market and holiday scene throughout the city. Christkindelsmarik in Strasbourg is the longest standing in France being held since 1570. It takes place during from around 27 Nov to 27 December every year with stalls generally open from around 11.30am to 9pm daily, most closing around 6pm on Christmas Eve and Day.
The Christmas market is spread around in various locations with largest concentration of stalls at Place Kleber, Place de la Cathedrale, Place Broglie and the Little France area. However, you will find additional stalls setup in a few other spots as well so you are never far from hot red & white mulled wine, seasonal foods and treats and booths selling Christmas ornaments and other holiday season decorations.
We enjoyed seeing the large tree at Place Kleber and numerous hanging Christmas market and street ornaments. Many shops get in on the action as well with decorative shop fronts and holiday themed decor. Adds to the environs and claims that Strasbourg is the Capital of Noel! Experience was much enjoyed and something we'd look forward to doing again in the future.
翻译:我们最近在斯特拉斯堡呆了几天,非常享受每年的圣诞市场和整个城市的节日场景。斯特拉斯堡的圣诞市场是法国历史最悠久的市场,自 1570 年以来一直举办。它每年在 11 月 27 日至 12 月 27 日举行,摊位通常每天上午 11:30 至晚上 9 点开放,大多数摊位在圣诞节前夕和当天下午 6 点左右关闭。