Wonderful. Also, Delicious.
Eleuthera Pineapple Farm Tours的点评
点评:Just a wonderful time. My husband and I toured the farm with Mr. Russel in early December. Mr. Russel is a passionate and absolutely lovely tour guide. I loved seeing the pineapples flowering on the plant, learning about the growth stages, learning how he and his family are cultivating them and growing their business. And while pineapple season was months away, so no pineapple tasting, we got to eat guavas, plantains and papaya's right off the tree. All of if delicious, and for someone who buys their fruit rather than grows it, it was so much fun. Delicious fun. Mr. Russel and his family are about to open a cafe, one more reason to stop at the Eleuthera Pineapple farm.
(we were staying in governors harbor, so we combined this trip north with a visit to incredible Lovers Beach, and the Cliffs. What a perfect day experiencing the things that make Eleuthera, Eleuthera. Wonderful.
翻译:真是一段美妙的时光。我和丈夫在 12 月初与 Russel 先生一起参观了农场。Russel 先生是一位热情而可爱的导游。我喜欢看菠萝在植物上开花,了解生长阶段,了解他和他的家人如何种植它们并发展他们的业务。虽然菠萝季节还有几个月,所以没有菠萝品尝,但我们还是直接从树上吃了番石榴、芭蕉和木瓜。所有这些都很美味,对于一个购买水果而不是种植水果的人来说,这太有趣了。美味有趣。Russel 先生和他的家人即将开设一家咖啡馆,这也是在伊柳塞拉菠萝农场停留的另一个原因。