点评:A truly magical, healing place, which I cannot recommend enough. The plant medicine, along with Mark & Maia, really helped me to release grief that had been held in me for a few decades and I now feel my heart is open for all that life has to offer, both the bitter and the sweet. I also received clarity on a way forward in my life, which I am really grateful for.
The Natuur Temple is so well organised with excellent, practical workshops to support you in the process and for me, it was also important to have the historical, spiritual element of reconnecting to nature, which we need as a society. We will not protect that which we do not first
have a connection with.
I loved my time in this beautiful haven, that needs to be supported and I hope to be able to return soon.
A huge thank you to Mark & Maia for creating magic that we so desperately need in a world that throws us many challenges. 🙏🏼
非常感谢马克和玛雅创造了我们在这个给我们带来许多挑战的世界中迫切需要的魔法。 🙏🏼