Tour of Xanthos, Letoon and Patara
Overland Travel Trekking的点评
点评:We had a fantastic day visiting Xanthos, Letoon and Patara to understand the history of these sites. The company helped set up the tour with little notice and were extremely helpful guiding us through ways to pay for it so we didn’t have to pay the exorbitant fees charged by the banks by drawing out cash. The minibus came on time and the guide, Tolga Kanik explained the events of the day and what was going to take place.
He was unbelievably knowledgeable about the sites and answered all our questions plus general questions about Turkey and living there.
I would not hesitate to recommend this company to anyone who appreciates that personal touch when it comes to delivering a service, as this company delivers it on all levels.
翻译:我们度过了美好的一天,参观了 Xanthos、Letoon 和 Patara,了解了这些遗址的历史。该公司在很短的时间内就帮我们安排了这次旅行,并非常乐于助人,指导我们支付费用的方式,这样我们就不必通过提取现金来支付银行收取的高昂费用。小巴准时到达,导游 Tolga Kanik 解释了当天的活动和即将发生的事情。