点评:Great place to visit. However, please make sure that you leave well in advance before the park is closed. In one of the incidents wherein my husband and I went for a walk(the one at the back parallel to fhe reservoir), it was 4:45 pm, and we were returning back when, surprisingly, the ranger had locked the gate. There was no way out. We were thinking that we might need to spend the night in the dark with the kangaroos as it would be quite scary at night. Luckily, we saw the ranger again at a long distance, and we waved at him. He came and opened the lock. It was like "I shouldn't have been alive" kind of situation. It was his fault for not checking the park and closing the gates before closing time. He would have also noticed a car parked right in front, yet he behaved this way. There is no way to contact anyone if someone is stuck inside the park after 5 pm. We tried calling Sydney Water, but no luck. There should be some emergency number for the park or contact number that should be given, especially if people are visiting the park, and a proper ranger should be kept.
翻译:很棒的游览胜地。但是,请确保在公园关闭前提前离开。有一次,我和丈夫出去散步(在水库后面平行散步),当时是下午 4:45,我们正要回去,出乎意料的是,护林员锁上了大门。没有出路。我们当时想,我们可能需要在黑暗中和袋鼠一起过夜,因为晚上会很可怕。幸运的是,我们在很远的地方又看到了护林员,我们向他挥手。他过来打开了锁。那就像“我本不该活着”的那种情况。这是他的错,因为他没有在关闭前检查公园并关门。他应该也注意到前面停着一辆车,但他却这样做了。如果有人在下午 5 点后被困在公园里,就无法联系任何人。我们试着打电话给悉尼水务局,但没有成功。公园应该提供一些紧急电话号码或联系电话,特别是当人们正在参观公园时,并且应该安排合适的护林员。