点评:The Casbah Club, unlike The Cavern, remains exactly as it was & how wonderful to stand in the exact space the young Beatles stood & that their art & decorating skills are still there on display. Happily the building is listed, so it can stay that way.
Loved John, Paul, Pete & George’s handwriten cv’s, John’s ambition: To be rich! Underlined! A little moment of sadness realising he’s written it aged 20 & only had so long again before we lost him. Can’t then help laughing that he’d carved his name into the woodwork, not once, but twice & got a thorough telling off both times.
Unfortunately, we were held up in traffic & arrived a good ten minutes late & then had a slight mix up over booking times, but Roag Jnr appeared very quickly & gave us the tour with no fuss or question of rebooking.
Enjoyed all the stories of Mo, strong lady far ahead of times. You can read the stories, but nothing will beat being in the places they were written about.
翻译:与 The Cavern 不同的是,Casbah Club 保留了原貌,站在年轻时的披头士乐队曾经站过的地方,他们的艺术和装饰技巧仍然在那里展示,这是多么美妙的事情。幸运的是,这栋建筑被列入了保护名单,所以它可以保持原样。
喜欢 John、Paul、Pete 和 George 的手写简历,John 的抱负是:致富!下划线!一瞬间,我有点难过,意识到他是 20 岁时写的,而且我们失去他之前也只写了这么久。忍不住笑了起来,因为他把自己的名字刻在了木制品上,不止一次,而是两次,而且两次都被狠狠地训斥了一顿。
不幸的是,我们被堵在路上,迟到了整整十分钟,然后在预订时间上出现了一点混乱,但 Roag Jnr 很快就出现了,带我们参观了,没有大惊小怪,也没有重新预订的问题。
喜欢 Mo 的所有故事,她是一位走在时代前沿的坚强女士。你可以阅读这些故事,但没有什么能比亲临故事发生地更让人感动。