点评:What was a lovely a lovely place to walk your dog, or just walk or off road bike has been completely ruined. Miles of fencing has been put up , hundreds possibly thousands of trees have been cut down. Paths that we have walked for years have been blocked off. What was a wonderful place for dogs to run off lead has now been turned into dogs on lead area.
A huge area has been fenced off for 3or 4 bison, that you can only see if you pay to go on a bison safari.
I cannot believe how much open space can be ruined for people who have used it for years for 4 wild animals that possibly wandered through the area 4000 years ago, but there is no evidence that they did.
A complete was of millions of pounds to see if bison, pigs and horses can manage a woodland area as efficiently as humans !!!!!
一个巨大的区域被围起来,可以饲养 3 或 4 头野牛,如果你花钱去野牛狩猎,你只能看到。
我无法相信对于 4000 年前可能在该地区游荡的 4 种野生动物多年来使用它的人来说,有多少开放空间会被毁掉,但没有证据表明他们这样做了。