点评:On a sweltering summer day, my two adventurous kiddos (ages 9 and 12) and I set out to explore the breathtaking Fall Creek Falls State Park. The park’s winding scenic roads and awe-inspiring landscapes were a feast for the eyes, with the many waterfalls serving as the cherry on top.
To reach the majestic Fall Creek Falls, we drove deep into the heart of the park. From the overlook, just a few steps from the parking lot, we were treated to a picture-perfect view of the falls. Did you know that Fall Creek Falls is the tallest free-fall waterfall in the Eastern United States? It plunges a staggering 256 feet into the gorge below.
My kids were thrilled to see that the trail to the base was ONLY 0.4 miles long – that’s nothing. Little did they realize that this meant descending almost straight down from the cliffs we stood on into the depths of the gorge. The hike was an exhilarating adventure, with some heart-pounding climbs along massive rock formations and narrow paths. We felt like mountain goats as we carefully navigated over rocks, descending into the narrow gorge.
Our efforts were abundantly rewarded with a breathtaking view of Fall Creek Falls waterfall and a refreshing dip into its waters. A memory we will cherish forever! Although it was summertime, it was not too busy – only a dozen people were enjoying the view of the falls from the base. Want my opinion? Do it! It’s strenuous, but well worth it!
翻译:在一个炎热的夏日,我和两个爱冒险的孩子(分别为 9 岁和 12 岁)出发去探索令人叹为观止的 Fall Creek Falls 州立公园。公园蜿蜒的景观道路和令人惊叹的风景令人赏心悦目,而众多瀑布更是锦上添花。
为了到达雄伟的 Fall Creek Falls,我们开车深入公园的中心地带。从距离停车场仅几步之遥的观景台,我们欣赏到了瀑布如画般的美景。您知道 Fall Creek Falls 是美国东部最高的自由落体瀑布吗?它以惊人的 256 英尺的高度倾泻而下,直冲峡谷。
我的孩子们很高兴看到通往瀑布底部的小径只有 0.4 英里长 - 这不算什么。他们几乎没有意识到,这意味着我们要从我们站立的悬崖上几乎垂直下降到峡谷深处。这次徒步旅行是一次令人兴奋的冒险,沿着巨大的岩层和狭窄的道路进行了一些令人心跳加速的攀爬。我们小心翼翼地越过岩石,下降到狭窄的峡谷时,感觉自己就像山羊一样。
我们的努力得到了丰厚的回报,我们欣赏到了 Fall Creek Falls 瀑布的壮丽景色,并畅游在瀑布中,感觉神清气爽。这是我们将永远珍惜的回忆!虽然当时是夏天,但人并不多——只有十几个人在瀑布底部欣赏瀑布的景色。想听听我的意见吗?那就去吧!虽然很费力,但非常值得!