点评:The lady that sold us our tickets was great! She was informative and friendly. The animals that we encountered were sweet. There weren't as many as we had hoped we would see, as they were either hiding sleeping or just not in their habitats. The animals that we did see we were able to feed (horses, donkeys, zebras, z donks, one camel, one longhorn, and emus). The horses, donkey, and longhorns you can hand feed through the fence. The other animals are fed down a tube into their habitat. We didn't see the primates, sloth, black bears, grizzly bears, or tigers. We saw the red kangaroos, but they were sleeping. We saw macaws too, but didn't feed them. This is a nice little zoo, but is quite hilly (one hill is steep), so prepare for that if you visit. We will likely come back :)
翻译:卖给我们门票的那位女士很棒!她知识渊博,态度友好。我们遇到的动物很可爱。动物数量没有我们希望的那么多,因为它们要么躲起来睡觉,要么就是不在栖息地。我们看到的动物我们都可以喂食(马、驴、斑马、斑马驴、一头骆驼、一头长角牛和鸸鹋)。你可以隔着栅栏亲手喂马、驴和长角牛。其他动物则通过管子喂食到栖息地。我们没有看到灵长类动物、树懒、黑熊、灰熊或老虎。我们看到了红袋鼠,但它们在睡觉。我们也看到了金刚鹦鹉,但没有喂它们。这是一个不错的小动物园,但山丘很多(一座山很陡),所以如果你来参观的话,要做好准备。我们可能会再来 :)