点评:Our first visit to the farm 30 years ago I would have rated it 5+. The last visit I would rate it a 2
When we first enter the village we were told that we didn’t qualify for the veterans discount. The girl behind the counter gave some excuse that they didn’t have control over the pricing yet on their website they offered a veterans discount. Second, when you visit Hale farm you anticipate stepping back in time with characters in costumes of years gone by. After paying our admission and walking out of the welcome center. We were met with a large table set up with alcoholic beverages for sale. Why? I felt so sorry for all those in character. Costumes and all. Who ever is in charge of making a decision to sell alcohol at a venue such as this at 10 o’clock in the morning needs to be checked into a treatment facility.
翻译:30 年前我们第一次参观这个农场时,我会给它打 5+ 分。最后一次参观我会给它打 2 分
当我们第一次进入村庄时,我们被告知我们没有资格享受退伍军人折扣。柜台后面的女孩找了个借口说他们无法控制定价,但他们在网站上提供了退伍军人折扣。其次,当您参观 Hale 农场时,您会期待着回到过去,看到身着昔日服装的人物。付完入场费,走出接待中心后,我们看到一张大桌子,上面摆满了待售的酒精饮料。为什么?我为所有扮演角色的人感到难过。包括服装。无论是谁,在早上 10 点决定在这样的场所出售酒精饮料,都应该被送进治疗机构。