点评:Chamizal is the memorial to the resolution of a border dispute with Mexico that occurred when the course of the Rio Grande - the designated border - changed, putting formerly Mexican land on the American side. This resulted in a century-long dispute that was resolved in 1963 with land swaps and construction of a cement channel to fix the river’s course.
This was undoubtedly a very significant event to the 5,000 people who lived and had businesses in the disputed areas and had to move, but the disputed land was only a few hundred acres of no significance and was unimportant to anyone else. As time passes fewer and fewer people impacted by this event are alive, it will become even less historically significant.
The Memorial is located on the land that the US received in the swap and includes a small and thorough museum about the Chamizal dispute and a large park. Mexico seems to have won this dispute, as it received much more acreage in the swap and the American portion is mostly this park. It’s an interesting site but the event is obscure outside of El Paso for a reason.
翻译:查米萨尔纪念碑是为了纪念与墨西哥的边界争端解决而建。当时格兰德河的河道(指定边界)发生了变化,以前的墨西哥土地被划入了美国一侧。这导致了长达一个世纪的争端,最终于 1963 年通过土地交换和修建水泥渠道修复河流河道而得以解决。
对于在争议地区生活和经商并不得不搬迁的 5,000 人来说,这无疑是一件非常重要的事件,但争议土地只有几百英亩,毫无意义,对其他人来说也不重要。随着时间的推移,受此事件影响的人越来越少,它的历史意义也将变得更小。