点评:Unfortunately, I have to share a very unpleasant story. We had a voucher for PLN 200, which according to the information from the receptionist could be used in a given store. After making the purchases, it turned out that it was not - but the power plant employee assured us that this was a strange situation and to solve it somehow, we could pay for the purchases in cash and the company would refund us the money. Sound fair?
Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of a disaster. For several weeks we were deceived and ignored, the employees (first the receptionist, then the manager) gave us contradictory information, and in the end the company stated that it was "our decision" (the power plant employee himself suggested this solution and the subsequent refund) and they would not return any money. Impudence, lack of responsibility and disregard for the customer at the highest level.
We will never use their services again and I warn others against buying vouchers for gifts or use - if you value your nerves and money, do not do it.
翻译:不幸的是,我不得不分享一个非常不愉快的故事。我们有一张价值 200 兹罗提的代金券,根据接待员提供的信息,可以在指定商店使用。购物后,结果发现不能使用 - 但发电厂员工向我们保证,这是一个奇怪的情况,为了以某种方式解决这个问题,我们可以用现金支付购物费用,公司会退还我们的钱。听起来公平吗?
我们再也不会使用他们的服务了,我警告其他人不要购买代金券作为礼物或使用 - 如果你重视你的神经和金钱,就不要这样做。