A delightful moated priory in the depths of teh Sussex countryside
Michelham Priory House & Gardens的点评
点评:This is a delightful place - and a joy to visit. It has a long and complicated history and not much of the original priory still exists apart from the undercroft and the gatehouse and moat. The priory building has been altered and extended many times over the years. It was badly damaged by fire in 1927 which left just the walls of much of it still standing. The interior had to be completely rebuilt and the Beresford-Wright's did an amazing job.
The splendid Tudor dining room, parlour and kitchen are reconstructions of what they may have looked like as is the Prior’s Chambers. It is difficult to relate many of them to the original priory building and it can be quite a confusing. The guide book does a good job of trying to put it all into context.
I loved the outside and the grounds but have to admit I came out of the building some what bemused - possibly as I tried to link everything up rather than just enjoy it for what it is.
Allow plenty of time to explore the grounds.
I didn’t use the cafe so can’t comment on that.
翻译:这是一个令人愉快的地方,值得一游。它有着悠久而复杂的历史,除了地下室、门楼和护城河外,原始修道院的大部分建筑都已不复存在。多年来,修道院建筑经过多次改建和扩建。1927 年,它被大火严重烧毁,只剩下大部分墙壁还屹立不倒。内部必须完全重建,而 Beresford-Wright 家族做得非常出色。