点评:Graziella is an amazing lady! We have learned from her on each of our three, most-recent trips to Sicily. She arranges transportation to get us from Palermo (among other places) to her apartment and back again, taking any related worry off the table. But on the table: Oh my. She is a fantastic chef and a great teacher. Most recently, we four -- two couples -- made (and later ate with gusto) ravioli, fettucine carbonara, and a lemon-with-sherbet dessert. While making all of this, we were encouraged to drink red wine, white wine, and sparkling wine, and eat olives, cheese, and salamis. The cost of the whole thing, per person, was just slightly more than what one would pay for this mind-blowing four-course meal alone. We left, amid hugs, totally full and totally happy. Graziella is very busy of late, and deservedly so. Make your reservations NOW. Don't miss learning from her and eating what you and she, together, made.
翻译:Graziella 是一位了不起的女士!我们最近三次去西西里岛旅行时,每次都从她那里学到了很多东西。她安排交通工具把我们从巴勒莫(以及其他地方)送到她的公寓,然后再送回来,免去了任何相关的担忧。但在餐桌上:哦,天哪。她是一位出色的厨师和一位伟大的老师。最近,我们四个人——两对夫妇——做了(后来津津有味地吃了)馄饨、意大利宽面培根蛋面和柠檬配果子露甜点。在做这些菜的时候,我们被鼓励喝红酒、白葡萄酒和起泡酒,吃橄榄、奶酪和萨拉米香肠。整个菜品的人均价格略高于一个人单独吃这顿令人惊叹的四道菜所支付的价格。我们在拥抱中离开,吃得饱饱的,非常开心。Graziella 最近很忙,这是理所当然的。现在就预订吧。不要错过向她学习并品尝你和她一起做的菜的机会。