点评:Really disappointed by the service from Rambling Recipes pop up tonight. This is the second time that Bute yard has advertised that a pop up was open all day till 9pm only to find when we arrived at 6.30 it had temporarily stopped serving food. On this occasion we were told that the kitchen would be open again by 7.30. Our order was taken and we were told to come back at this time to pay and our food would follow. Went back at this time and still no food service. After a few trips back and forward we were told at 8.15 it was unlikely that any food would be served! The reason being that a member of staff ha been threatened. While I said I had sympathy for the staff member I noticed that some food was being prepared and sent out. I questioned this to be told it was a previous group booking. If the person in charge had been up front at an earlier time we would at least had a chance to make alternative arrangements.
Can I also say that Farrah’s farm fresh ice cream was absolutely delicious and the lady serving was lovely.
翻译:今晚 Rambling Recipes 快闪店的服务真的很令人失望。这是 Bute yard 第二次宣传快闪店全天营业到晚上 9 点,但我们 6:30 到达时发现它已经暂时停止供应食物。这次我们被告知厨房将在 7:30 重新开放。我们点了菜,并被告知此时回来付款,食物会随即送来。我们此时回去,仍然没有食物服务。来回走了几次之后,我们被告知 8:15 不太可能提供任何食物!原因是一名工作人员受到了威胁。当我表示同情那名工作人员时,我注意到一些食物正在准备并送出。我对此提出质疑,被告知这是之前的团体预订。如果负责人早点到前面,我们至少有机会做出其他安排。
我还可以说 Farrah 农场的新鲜冰淇淋绝对美味,服务女士也非常可爱。