点评:This has been a great movie theater added to Frederick. It first opened around Covid, so there was worry that it would close soon. Thankfully, it persevered and was able prosper. This theater was originally a Hoyts Cinema, that got shutdown due to Regal Cinemas taking away lots of business.
For awhile, it was just Regal, and no other theater, so Regal was able to remain uncontested for over a decade. Which led to a decline in their theater. Thankfully, when Warehouse opened, they brought higher quality with recliner chairs and better selection of food, it caused Regal to overhaul their theater.
Of course, by then, Warehouse had won my dollar, so I go here now to watch new films coming out. Competition is good for the environment, so here is hoping Warehouse can expand and become even better.
翻译:这是弗雷德里克新增的一家很棒的电影院。它最初是在 Covid 期间开业的,所以有人担心它会很快关闭。谢天谢地,它坚持了下来,并得以繁荣发展。这家影院最初是一家 Hoyts 影院,由于 Regal 影院抢走了大量业务而关闭。
有一段时间,只有 Regal,没有其他影院,所以 Regal 能够在十多年内保持无可匹敌的地位。这导致了他们的影院的衰落。谢天谢地,当 Warehouse 开业时,他们带来了更高的质量,包括躺椅和更好的食物选择,这促使 Regal 对他们的影院进行了彻底改造。
当然,到那时,Warehouse 已经赢得了我的钱,所以我现在来这里看新上映的电影。竞争对环境有好处,所以希望 Warehouse 能够扩大规模并变得更好。