点评:8 of us, 1 in a wheelchair. Super friendly and knowledgeable staff. One Volunteer Guide Adam was particularly knowledgeable and lovely. Best Vegan Pizza in the food tent. Catered GF as well or a range of food, which was well priced, which was a pleasant surprise, as the afternoon tea was £39.99, extortionate, for something that probably costs £5/head to put on. However the price of the Afternoon tea was cheaper than Bettys and the Grand. My complaint is generally aimed at a British tradition that now prices most people out of the experience. Not just castle Howard . We were in awe of the Alice in Wonderland Display. the Christmas Shop and others were again reasonably priced. Wheelchair friendly, I did not feel like a second class citizen. Was treated really well.
We hesitated to go in as tickets were £38. After going round it is very easy to say it was worth every penny.
翻译:我们一共 8 个人,其中 1 人坐轮椅。工作人员超级友好,知识渊博。一位志愿者导游 Adam 特别博学可爱。食品帐篷里有最好的素食比萨。还提供无麸质餐饮或各种食物,价格合理,这是一个惊喜,因为下午茶要 39.99 英镑,太贵了,而吃这些东西可能要花 5 英镑/人。然而,下午茶的价格比 Bettys 和 Grand 便宜。我的抱怨主要是针对英国传统,现在大多数人都无法体验这种传统。不仅仅是霍华德城堡。我们对爱丽丝梦游仙境展览感到敬畏。圣诞商店和其他商店的价格也很合理。轮椅友好,我没有觉得自己是二等公民。受到了很好的对待。
我们犹豫着要不要进去,因为门票是 38 英镑。转了一圈之后,很容易说物有所值。