Unfortunately Debbie Reid aka 'MARIA' is a liar and an underhand trickster. Smiling snake - I can no longer trust her.
Maria's Horse Trekking的点评
点评:Unfortunately Maria (who's real name is Deborah Reid) has reneged on her agreement to pay me for my stables and my business which makes her technically a squatter at my expense.
The building of the stables in 2008 was entirely at my effort and expense as was the researching routes, nurturing the horses and building the business. Deborah arrived when the business was for sale in 2017, insisted on many contracts and agreed a price of 20k.
The landlord from the Paradisos Hotel and she decided that as I was in UK now, it would be ok for her to pay him the 3k a year rent I had agreed for him and not pay me anything.
Having promised that she would be running some kind of rescue centre and not trekking - I see that she is running a trekking yard 'on the back' of my beloved Ride in Cyprus! It is time she paid up and was grateful for what has been handed to her on a plate.
Watch out - if you're thinking of dealing with such things in Cyprus/buying a house etc know that getting screwed over is par for the course. I'm surprised the the village who used to love me for bringing so many people to Lysos by being No1 on Trip Advisor for years.... have not dragged her across the coals for it.... but I guess business is business and I bear them no resentment.
2008 年建造马厩完全是我付出的努力和费用,研究路线、养马和建立生意也是如此。黛博拉在 2017 年生意出售时到达,坚持签订了许多合同,并同意了 20,000 美元的价格。
Paradisos 酒店的房东和她决定,既然我现在在英国,她可以向他支付我同意的每年 3,000 美元的租金,而不用付我任何钱。
注意——如果你正在考虑在塞浦路斯处理此类事情/买房等,要知道被坑是常有的事。我很惊讶,村里的人曾经很喜欢我,因为我多年来一直是 Trip Advisor 上排名第一,带了这么多人来 Lysos......但他们并没有因此而严厉批评我......但我想生意就是生意,我不会对他们心怀怨恨。