Informative, friendly and fun
Masons of Yorkshire Distillery的点评
点评:We were greeted by two friendly women who assured us it was fine that we were really early and thrust perfect G&T’s in our hands almost immediately! When everyone else had arrived, the history of gin and Mason’s talk began and we were interested from the start. Plenty of new facts learnt and lots of opportunity to ask questions. We then moved onto a tour of the distillery before the ‘blind’ gin tasting began. This was really interesting and made me think much more about how to serve gin and what gins to buy! Angie was brilliant and such an interesting host. We had a great time, just very disappointed about the lack of lavender gin! Thank you and thanks for answering my questions before we arrived. We will definitely be recommending the experience.
翻译:两位友好的女士迎接了我们,她们向我们保证我们来得太早没问题,并几乎立即把完美的 G&T 送到我们手中!当其他人都到齐后,杜松子酒的历史和梅森的演讲开始了,我们从一开始就很感兴趣。我们学到了很多新知识,也有很多机会提问。然后,在“盲品”杜松子酒开始之前,我们参观了酿酒厂。这真的很有趣,让我更多地思考如何供应杜松子酒以及购买哪种杜松子酒!安吉非常出色,是一位非常有趣的主人。我们玩得很开心,只是对没有薰衣草杜松子酒感到非常失望!谢谢你,谢谢你在我们到达之前回答我的问题。我们一定会推荐这次体验。