点评:I took their Yoga Teacher Training in August 2024 and I can really describe it as life-changing. I feel so much more confident in my practice and ability to teach, I learned so much from the instructors, loved the excursions and then amazing food, the accommodations were lovely and I came away so connected to the people in my class. I got to know them all on such a close level, and had a huge amount of personal attention from each instructor. All my questions were answered, and the online resources go further in depth on the topics that couldn't be deeply examined in person.
I'm currently in Peru, and I compared all of the YTTs in Peru to find the best one, and Moksha won out on price, location and everything that was included for the price. It is truly an amazing deal, and I feel so lucky to have found it. For me, Moksha was the clear winner, and my experience confirmed it. I left the training feeling confident and ready, and with a new love of Peru, the Amazon and Moyobamba. I signed up last minute 4 days prior to training starting, and I'm so glad I did. This was an amazing gift to give myself, and if you're on the fence, go with Moksha and you absolutely won't regret it. 10s across the board.
翻译:我于 2024 年 8 月参加了他们的瑜伽教师培训,我真的可以形容它改变了我的生活。我对自己的练习和教学能力更加自信,我从教练那里学到了很多东西,喜欢短途旅行和美味的食物,住宿条件很好,我和班上的人联系得很紧密。我非常了解他们,每位教练都给予了我大量的个人关注。我所有的问题都得到了回答,在线资源对无法亲自深入研究的主题进行了更深入的介绍。
我目前在秘鲁,我比较了秘鲁所有的 YTT,以找到最好的一个,而 Moksha 在价格、位置和价格包含的所有服务方面都胜出。这真是一笔惊人的交易,我很幸运能找到它。对我来说,Moksha 是明显的赢家,我的经验证实了这一点。我离开培训时感到自信和准备就绪,并对秘鲁、亚马逊和莫约班巴产生了新的热爱。我在培训开始前 4 天最后一刻报名,我很高兴我这么做了。这是送给自己的一份很棒的礼物,如果你犹豫不决,那就选择 Moksha,你绝对不会后悔。全场满分 10 分。