点评:Just finishing off my student placement at Humber Llamas, as an OT student and aspiring health professional it has been a dream placement for me that I will remember for the rest of my career. From day one on the farm the team have made me feel part of the llama family. Humber llamas really does provide a day service with a difference, been fully inclusive for all. Giving opportunities to people with learning disabilities to learn skills for life and valuable social skills by welcoming them with open arms into an amazing family feel team. Zoe and the team are so knowledgeable and professional and I have learnt so many valuable skills during my 8 weeks that I will use moving forward with my career. Time really does fly when your having fun and this placement shows it, I'm so sad to be leaving the llamas, the team and the lovely service users but I've not only gained proffesional experience but memories that will last forever ❤️
翻译:我刚刚在 Humber Llamas 完成了实习,作为一名职业治疗师学生和有抱负的健康专业人士,这是一个我梦寐以求的实习,我将终生难忘。从农场的第一天起,团队就让我感到自己是 Llama 大家庭的一员。Humber Llamas 确实提供了与众不同的日间服务,完全包容所有人。张开双臂欢迎有学习障碍的人加入一个令人惊叹的家庭氛围团队,为他们提供学习生活技能和宝贵社交技能的机会。Zoe 和团队知识渊博、非常专业,我在 8 周的时间里学到了很多宝贵的技能,这些技能将在我的职业生涯中继续使用。玩得开心的时候时间过得真快,这个实习就说明了这一点,我很难过要离开 Llama、团队和可爱的服务用户,但我不仅获得了专业经验,还获得了将永远铭记的回忆 ❤️