点评:Unfortunately driving to Coleton Fishacre was a little difficult due to poor weather and very narrow roads. It certainly is worth the drive once you arrive. We were greeted by a delightful young man who gave us some very interesting information regarding the family and history of this house. I was intrigued to find where the piano music was coming from, a gentleman was playing one of my favourite pieces Pallaido by Karl Jenkins, followed by a collection of amazing musical pieces. It was a joy to walk around the property with delightful music playing in the background. Unfortunately, due to bad weather we didn’t venture into the beautiful grounds, however even from the windows we could see how beautifully maintained the gardens had been cared for. National Trust Volunteers and Team do a wonderful job, we are so lucky to have these amazing places to visit. Thanks to all there.
翻译:不幸的是,由于天气恶劣,道路非常狭窄,开车去 Coleton Fishacre 有点困难。到达后,开车绝对值得。一位令人愉快的年轻人迎接了我们,他向我们介绍了一些关于这所房子的家族和历史的非常有趣的信息。我很好奇钢琴音乐是从哪里传来的,一位绅士正在弹奏我最喜欢的卡尔·詹金斯的 Pallaido 曲子之一,随后是一系列令人惊叹的音乐作品。在优美的背景音乐中漫步在房子周围是一种享受。不幸的是,由于天气不好,我们没有进入美丽的庭院,然而,即使从窗户我们也可以看到花园被精心照料得多么漂亮。国家信托志愿者和团队做得非常出色,我们很幸运能参观这些美妙的地方。感谢那里的所有人。