Noble goal to try to save koala, but expensive entrance fee
Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary的点评
点评:On out trip in Australia we wanted to visit a koala sanctuary. We choose this one.
We dropped in after a long drive not really knowing what to expect. In the end they have about a dozen koalas in care. The hospital is currently closed (due to building an extension). To walk a round takes less than 30 minutes. If you read all the signs, it takes a little but more. If you want to take nice pictures you will require even more time. The goal is noble, but they charge a steep price (an no reduction price since the hospital is closed). The facility is well maintained, but the question is, is that worth your money. You will be supporting a local initiative, but if you just want to look at koalas or take a picture of them you might be better off at another place. The prices for drinks and food are quite reasonable.
我们开了很长时间的车,然后就到了那里,不知道会发生什么。最后他们照顾了大约十几只考拉。医院目前关闭(因为正在扩建)。走一圈不到 30 分钟。如果你读了所有的标志,那就需要多一点时间。如果你想拍出漂亮的照片,你将需要更多的时间。目标是崇高的,但他们收费很高(由于医院关闭,价格没有降低)。设施维护得很好,但问题是,这值得你花钱吗。你将支持当地的一项倡议,但如果你只是想看看考拉或给它们拍照,你最好去其他地方。饮料和食物的价格相当合理。