点评:From the main harbor area, it's a 15 minute walk up. The lines are long on most nights, so go there early! Once in, there will be an introductory holographic fairy creature that will introduce you to Dpirang and then a light show followed by stone doors opening to a beautiful night walk, lights glimmering all around you. There are interactive rune stones that trigger a light show near the top of the night walk, trees covered in lights like the night sky, stone lanterns that house holographic fairies, UFO-like archways that seemingly scan you from above, etc. It's a winding road up for 10 minutes until you reach an open-roofed building with cool visual art lining the walls like TeamLab (in Japan) or Museum DAH/Museum One (in Busan). Near the large rune stones portion, there is a cafe as well that sells drinks and snacks, and a bathroom facilities. On the way out, there's a gift shop right by the entrance, if you wanted to pick up small souvenirs of Dpirang and Tongyeong.
翻译:从主要海港区步行 15 分钟即可到达。大多数晚上排队的队伍都很长,所以要早点去!进入后,会有一个介绍性的全息精灵生物向您介绍 Dpirang,然后是灯光秀,随后石门打开,进入美丽的夜间散步,灯光在您周围闪烁。夜间步道顶部附近有互动的符文石,可以触发灯光秀,树木像夜空一样被灯光覆盖,石灯笼里有全息仙女,UFO 般的拱门似乎从上方扫描你,等等。沿路向上行驶 10 分钟,直到您到达一栋开放式屋顶的建筑,墙壁上排列着炫酷的视觉艺术,例如 TeamLab(日本)或 Museum DAH/Museum One(釜山)。在大型符文石部分附近,还有一家咖啡馆,出售饮料和小吃,以及浴室设施。出去的时候,如果你想买Dpirang和统营的小纪念品,入口处就有一家礼品店。