点评:Unfortunately the tasting room and shop were being remodeled while we were there. I guess they started to do the serious work after the summer season had ended. We were there in mid October.
However, the two employees made us very welcome and gave us samples of both the mead and whiskey in the small bottling room that had doubled up as a temporary tasting room.
Great stuff. The mead is worth a sample and the whiskey is interesting since although made locally in Ireland, has a distinctive peaty flavor and is tripled distilled (normally Irish whiskey is twice distilled). It suited my palette since I generally prefer Scotch anyway.
They are not selling product there at this time, but if you want to buy a bottle or two, the Woolen Mill back across the main highway, across from Durty Nelly’s, has all sizes of the good stuff.
他们目前不在那里销售产品,但如果您想买一两瓶,主干道对面、Durty Nelly's 对面的羊毛厂有各种尺寸的好东西。