点评:We stopped by the Smokey Bear National Park since we we’re staying close by in Ruidoso and are so glad that we did. The park ranger was very informative and very friendly. She allowed us to charge our battery for our handicap electric scooter because it was very low. The video was very informative about the history of Smokey Bear and the advertising campaign that was started by FDR with drawings and cartoon characters. When the baby bear was found in a tree in NM, he was flown out to the National Zoo in Washington, DC where he became the new symbol of the National Forest Service. He spent 25 years at the zoo and was flown back to NM for burial. The Forest Service has done an excellent job of preserving the old posters and developing a nice and informative walkway to Smokey’s grave plus a monument to fallen firefighters in NM. The walkway is handicapped accessible. Next door is a small village museum and gift shop dedicated to Smokey Bear. We were so glad that we came here and would highly recommend it..
翻译:由于我们住在鲁伊多索附近,所以我们在烟熊国家公园停下来,很高兴我们这么做了。公园管理员信息非常丰富而且非常友好。她允许我们为残疾人电动滑板车充电,因为电量很低。该视频非常详细地介绍了 Smokey Bear 的历史以及罗斯福用图画和卡通人物发起的广告活动。当这只小熊在新墨西哥州的一棵树上被发现时,它被空运到华盛顿特区的国家动物园,在那里它成为国家林务局的新象征。他在动物园待了 25 年,然后被空运回新墨西哥埋葬。林务局在保存旧海报方面做得非常出色,并开发了一条通往斯莫基坟墓的漂亮而信息丰富的走道,以及新墨西哥州阵亡消防员的纪念碑。人行道设有残疾人通道。隔壁是一个小村庄博物馆和专门为烟熏熊设计的礼品店。我们很高兴来到这里并强烈推荐它。