点评:We checked in and had 15 people in front of us. Which is totally fine. We will get notified when we have to show up.
Notification received and a long line waiting to check in as well like we did previously.
We went to the front and told the lady that we received the notification to get in. She said to everyone who received the notification not to come to the front. Instead we should go back in the long line and wait until our turn is.
The problem is that the notification has a timer I think from 2 minutes. Which we explained everyone to the lady. Other people in line understood the situation and let us in front.
Now we are finally in the lounge with almost no food to eat. 1 soup and some rolls and bread.
We came here to enjoy our perks with the priority pass from American Express.
It was our worst experience worldwide in a lounge with priority pass.
翻译:我们办理了登机手续,前面有 15 个人。这完全没问题。我们需要到场时会收到通知。
问题是通知有一个计时器,我认为是 2 分钟。我们向那位女士解释了所有人。排队的其他人明白情况,让我们排在前面。