点评:A quick Metro ride from Rotterdam, we went to Schiedam to visit the Jenever (Gin) and windmill museums and to take the boat tour of the city's charming canals. We made sure to take the one-hour and twenty minute boat tour which is the longer tour and which goes by seven of the windmills. While the walking route from the Schiedam Central Station to the museums is confusing, the destinations are well-worth the effort. The boat tour is only in Dutch, but we were given an illustrated English booklet which we consulted afterwards for the explanations of the photos we took prompted by the Dutch guide's hand-gestures and narration. The Jenever and windmill museums have clear English-language signage, but, beware, the climb to the various levels of the working grain windmill is not for the faint of heart. The explanations by the mill master and the view from the outdoor platform on the third level are well-worth the effort.