点评:Forth Brockhurst is one of the Palmerston Forts built to protect the naval dockyard in Portsmouth. It is of a completely different style to those upon the top of Portsdown Hill and make an interesting comparison to Fort Nelson.
The fort is only open from 11am to 3pm on the second and forth Saturdays of the month between April and October. It is free to enter but donations can be made towards it upkeep. The volunteers who make it possible to visit the site are friendly and on hand to tell you about the site. Parking is either pay in advance online or at the site. However there is no means to pay when you arrive. I just gave the cost (only £2) with a donation.
Once you enter it is surprising how large the site actually is. Entering through the keep you progress onto the parade ground surrounded by the ramparts with offices, workshops and accommodation set into them. If you visit on a hot day be aware that there is not a lot of cover, so a hat of some sort would be a good idea. Fort Brockhurst is preserved as close a possible to how it would have been when in use. Don't expect to see rooms full of exhibits like you do at Fort Nelson, which is a armaments museum.
An interesting place to visit when in the area and if you time it right, you may find that there is a heritage event, on which increase the opening hours slightly.
堡垒仅在 4 月至 10 月期间的第二个和第四个星期六上午 11 点至下午 3 点开放。它可以免费进入,但可以捐款用于维护。帮助您参观该网站的志愿者非常友好,随时向您介绍该网站。停车费可以在线提前支付,也可以在现场支付。然而,当您到达时无法付款。我只是通过捐款支付了费用(仅 2 英镑)。