Good activities, poor organisation and communication
National Water Sports Centre的点评
点评:Attended here as part of a stag party event. We were booked in for a package (assault course, white water rafting and lunch). The good bits…
• The assault course itself was a good activity.
• The white water rafting was a good activity.
• The instructors on the white water rafting were good, engaging, and created an atmosphere for an enjoyable session.
The bad bits…
• Having to pay for parking on top of activity fees. The parking was also app based, so was a faff to sort!
• The organisation of the package was awful. After we were given wetsuits and pointed to the changing rooms, that’s where the directions pretty much stopped. Nothing to tell us where to go for a briefing for the assault course, or where to get the packed lunch from.
• The assault course was a timed session (absolutely as expected), however the time started before we even got to the briefing, there was only 1 member of staff giving out buoyancy aids and checking them, so this took more in to our session time. The member of staff told a few of our group they were too big to go on as the buoyancy aids didn’t fit them (some of the group were large guys), but that wasn’t explained at the start. Those of us with experience of safety gear refitted the buoyancy aids properly and could make them fit some of the larger guys. Better training needed for staff!
• You have to walk back to the main café at the car park to get in the queue for you lunch. The group booking was to include packed lunch, not go get in queue and have to rush around and be back for the afternoon white water rafting session.
• I have food intolerances, which were notified to the centre at time of booking. These were not catered for, the catering team said they had not been informed of anything. I was offered some plain nachos with tomato sauce on top! This is poor management, poor training and poor communication between staff.
• There was no communication of where to head for the white water rafting after lunch.
• 突击课程本身是一项很好的活动。
• 白水漂流是一项很好的活动。
• 白水漂流的教练很好,很有魅力,营造了愉快的氛围。
• 除了活动费外,还必须支付停车费。停车也是基于应用程序的,所以很难解决!
• 套餐的组织很糟糕。在我们拿到潜水服并被指向更衣室后,方向就基本停止了。没有告诉我们去哪里参加突击课程的简报,或者从哪里得到打包的午餐。
• 突击课程是计时课程(绝对符合预期),然而时间在我们到达简报会之前就开始了,只有一名工作人员在发放救生衣并检查它们,所以这占用了我们更多的课程时间。工作人员告诉我们团队中的一些人,他们体型太大,无法继续漂流,因为救生衣不适合他们(团队中的一些人体型较大),但一开始并没有解释这一点。我们这些有安全装备经验的人正确地重新安装了救生衣,让它们适合一些体型较大的人。工作人员需要更好的培训!
• 您必须步行回到停车场的主咖啡馆排队吃午餐。团体预订包括外带午餐,而不是去排队,然后匆匆忙忙地赶回来参加下午的白水漂流活动。
• 我有食物不耐症,在预订时已通知中心。这些都没有得到满足,餐饮团队说他们没有被告知任何事情。他们给我提供了一些上面有番茄酱的普通玉米片!这是管理不善、培训不善和员工之间沟通不畅。
• 午餐后没有沟通去哪里进行白水漂流。