点评:It is Home To The Tallest Observation Wheel on the East Coast
The Myrtle Beach SkyWheel takes guests high in its 42 six-person gondolas. The ride offers an expansive view and plenty of photo ops, and the gondolas are climate-controlled for comfort.
If you’re looking for things to do in Myrtle Beach for an upcoming vacation, the SkyWheel has likely appeared on every best-of list you’ve found. This colorful landmark on the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk towers over the shoreline, entertaining visitors and locals with endless views from comfy, private gondolas.
Fact: the SkyWheel is officially considered an observation wheel” because each private capsule is fully enclosed and temperature-controlled for year-round enjoyment.”
Skywheel Myrtle Beach is located at the heart of the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk, between North Ocean Blvd and 11th Avenue North, making it easily accessible to tourists.
默特尔比奇摩天轮拥有 42 个六人座缆车,可将游客带到高空。乘坐摩天轮,视野开阔,有大量拍照机会,缆车配有温度控制,十分舒适。
默特尔比奇摩天轮位于默特尔比奇木板路的中心地带,位于北海洋大道和北 11 大道之间,游客可轻松抵达。