点评:So now I read the reviews, my bad; similar experience with vanessa. Didn’t start well which should have been the red flag. Up front paid for wife and daughter’s surf lesson, said could get money back if surf conditions not suitable.. you guessed, atrocious day but was told could cancel but was our decision and no refunds; truly unprofessional. So we went with the lesson. I could tell even Vanessa was sketchy about paddling out. I had intended to sneak away for a surf while the family were “minded” but I had to stand by to monitor and assist. The entire group at the lesson were floundering, lucky there were bystanders to assist . Wife swears never trying surfing ever again, could have been a blessing; jokes aside, this was a very dangerous operator, seemed only interested in securing the money then leaves customers to fend for themselves really, minimal tuition. Thankfully my daughter recovered from the experience and has now done enjoyable professional lessons at Waikiki, Maui and back in Australia through reputable schools. She loves surfing despite the trauma JettyBetty inflicted. Steer clear of this cowboy operation.
翻译:所以现在我读了评论,我的不好;与凡妮莎相似的经历。开局不好,这应该是危险信号。预先支付了妻子和女儿的冲浪课程费用,说如果冲浪条件不合适可以退款。你猜对了,糟糕的一天但被告知可以取消但这是我们的决定并且不退款真的很不专业。所以我们继续上课。我看得出来,就连凡妮莎也对划桨犹豫不决。我本来打算在家人“介意”的时候偷偷溜出去冲浪,但我不得不站在一旁监视和协助。整个班级都在挣扎,幸好有旁观者帮忙。妻子发誓再也不尝试冲浪了,这本来是一件幸事;撇开玩笑不谈,这是一个非常危险的运营商,似乎只对获得资金感兴趣,然后让客户自己照顾自己,学费很少。值得庆幸的是,我的女儿从这次经历中恢复过来,现在已经在威基基、毛伊岛和澳大利亚知名学校完成了愉快的专业课程。尽管 JettyBetty 造成了创伤,但她还是喜欢冲浪。避开这种牛仔行动。